First Check Presented to Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
July 22, 2015 1:17 pmFrom John Borack, Author/Producer
“Back when “Beyond Belief: A Tribute to Elvis Costello” began to take shape about three years ago, Olivia and I decided that we wanted all the funds raised from the sale of the CD to go to a music-related non-profit organization. Thanks to the amazing folks at Spyderpop Records and to all of you, our dream has finally been realized.
A few weeks ago, Spyderpop Records’ Lannie Flowers and I presented a check for $5,000 to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation. This money will go directly to an under-funded school music program in need of instruments. (The school will be chosen by us this Fall.)
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for contributing your time and talents to this project; it means a lot to Olivia and me, and it will mean even more to the kids who will receive the musical instruments. Of course, we’re hoping that this is only the beginning and that we’ll have the opportunity to present another check to Mr. Holland’s Opus in the not-too-distant future.
We’d love it if you could share the news (and the photo below, if you’d like) on your social media pages, in email blasts to your fans, etc. We’d like to keep the “Beyond Belief” flame burning brightly and raise even more money for the kids, as well as raise awareness of the great work that The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation does.”