May 10, 2017 2:16 pmThe best song from the best album of 2016 (“Fingers Crossed”).
The first time I heard this song I was catapulted back to 1974. It floored me – a Mott The Hoople single brought back new from the past by my favorite rock star, Ian Hunter, about another one of my favorite rock stars who had just passed away. Stunning musically, lyrically and production-wise, this recording is why we love rock and roll.
Dandy you are the prettiest star
There ain’t no life on Mars but we always there might be
Dandy, this world was black-and-white
You showed us what it’s like
To live inside a rainbow
You beat up the liar
You had it all
The voice, the look, the songs, the shook
The gift of the gab and the gall
A fitting tribute to David Bowie. He would have loved this single.